Hey there Friend,

Yesterday, we held an inspiring #IWFReads Author Chat with Senator Marsha Blackburn.

In our exclusive, one-of-a-kind virtual chat, we discussed her new book, The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country, and some of the most relevant topics of the day, such as the Cancel Culture and the left’s *real* War on Women.
Watch the Recap
As Senator Blackburn said, “What we have seen happen is that as the left continues to push for intellectual isolation, as I call it, you either adopt the agenda the left has for women, or they look at you and say, ‘We don’t want to hear from you.’”

While we missed you yesterday, we don’t want you to miss out on this awesome opportunity to hear from this trailblazing and game-changing female senator—Tennessee’s first.

Check out the video recap of yesterday’s virtual Author Chat.
Hosting relevant virtual events like this with top female leaders is just one way Independent Women’s Forum provides a forum for you to freely express your thoughts and beliefs… and feel heard, respected, and represented. In this divisive time and Cancel Culture, it’s important that you know you are not alone. 

Independent Women’s Forum works with leading elected officials like Sen. Blackburn regularly to ensure your voice is heard and policies are pursued that enhance and advance your freedom, opportunities, and well being.

But all of this requires adequate resources, which means, funding. And we would really appreciate any investment you can make today in Independent Women’s Forum so we can provide more opportunities like these.

As Senator Blackburn said, “I say that, right now, the most important name in news is not ABC or NBC or CBS or CNN or Fox. It is YOU.”

Friend, it is up to you to invest today in Independent Women’s Forum, and we’ll in turn invest in your future.

Hadley Heath Manning