Trump absent from Loeffler, Perdue ads amid GOP infighting
Loeffler and Perdue have stood by Trump and are focusing their final campaigning efforts on rallying the GOP base, particularly loyal Trump supporters. Yet neither candidate has mentioned the president in recent fundraising emails or television ads, a strategy that may attract donors without deterring voters come January. Trump was prominently featured in various expensive ad buys from Loeffler and Perdue leading up to Nov. 3. Except for one video from Democrat Jon Ossoff, Trump is absent from the television ads created by any of the four Georgia Senate candidates since Election Day.
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Murdoch’s son and daughter-in-law spent millions on progressive causes in 2020 cycle
What’s in a name? For the Murdochs, the answer may be, “Quite a lot.” Specifically, the Murdoch name has come to be associated largely with right-leaning politics, as Rupert Murdoch — the billionaire media mogul who owns Fox News and multiple other influential outlets spanning three continents — has built a family dynasty based largely on conservatism. But Kathryn and James Murdoch are forging a new reputation for the Murdoch name, contributing heavily this cycle to progressive political groups, including super PACs supporting President-elect Joe Biden.
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Biden campaign the first to raise $1 billion from donors
Lobbyists steering millions of dollars to President Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican Party have landed federal appointments, serving in the Trump administration while lobbying for the agendas of foreign actors and other special interests. By collecting political contributions from multiple donors, these lobbyist “bundlers” can deliver more money in one large “bundle” than would otherwise be allowed from a single individual donor under contribution limits. Trump pledged to ban foreign lobbyists from raising money in U.S. elections during his 2016 presidential bid.
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