
I’m back in Washington this week, trying my hardest to get some more COVID-19 relief passed for families like yours before the next Congress is sworn in.

But it’s clear Mitch McConnell and Washington Republicans would rather sit on their hands and do nothing than reach across the aisle to help American families.

Well, I’m tired of it. I know you are, too. Heck, I first ran for office because I didn’t see anyone sticking up for dirt farmers like me. So, I made a promise to always fight for the little guy.

That’s what I’m gonna keep doing, and it’s why I send around these surveys. Hearing directly from you helps me fight for your priorities in Washington — and I just love reading your responses.

So, I’m asking: Can you take a few minutes (two, tops!) to let me know what issues are most important to you as we prepare for the new year?


With any luck, Democrats will win Georgia and we’ll take back the Senate majority in a few weeks. But before that happens, we need to know what you want us fighting for in Washington.

— Jon