From Howard Learner, Environmental Law and Policy Center <>
Subject ELPC Action Fund: “Watch What Trump Does, Not What He Says”
Date December 4, 2020 7:59 PM
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Read our Impact Report 

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Dear John,

Take a look at ELPC Action Fund’s Impact Memo ([link removed]) on our Summer/Fall 2020 public advocacy and education campaign focused on protecting the Great Lakes and safe clean water: “Watch What Trump Does, Not What He Says.”

ELPC Action Fund is ELPC’s hard-hitting public advocacy arm that helps drive policy changes to protect safe, clean water and the Great Lakes, and advance climate change solutions across the Midwest. As we all know, the Trump Administration has attempted to roll back important environmental standards across-the-board and conducted a “War on the Great Lakes.” We’ve been fighting back.

ELPC Action Fund launched a robust media and public education campaign in Summer 2020 focused on key areas around the Midwest: Grand Rapids and Western Michigan shoreline communities; the Southwest Wisconsin “Driftless Area” counties, Milwaukee suburbs and Lake Michigan shoreline communities; Northwest Indiana along Lake Michigan; Dubuque, Iowa along the Mississippi River; and Toledo, Ohio and Western Lake Erie shoreline communities.

We’re sharing this memo explaining the details of the media buys, focus and impacts. I think that you’ll be interested in lessons learned in 2020 and how that provides guidance for future effectiveness.

Watch the video ads calling out the Trump Administration’s hypocrisy when it comes to protecting the Great Lakes.
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Take a look at the full- and half-page print ads ([link removed]) that ran all summer in Wisconsin and other places focused on safe clean water and outdoor recreation. Here’s an example:
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Read the full ELPC Action Fund 2020 recap memo here ([link removed]) .
Read the Report ([link removed])

We look forward to working with the Biden Administration to put the “protection” back into the Environmental Protection Agency. Let’s protect the Great Lakes and safe, clean water across the Midwest for generations to come.

Best wishes and be well,

Howard A. Learner
Executive Director

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Chicago, ILLINOIS 60601
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