
We had a lot to celebrate after beating Donald Trump and helping lead many of our endorsed House and Senate candidates to victory in 2020. But, John, it’s no secret that we lost more House races than expected this year.

In fact, our margin in the House is razor thin with just 11 more Democrats than Republicans.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is already guaranteeing that Democrats will lose the House in 2022.

If the pundits are right, the 2022 midterm elections will be an all-out battle for control of the House, and Serve America will have a major role to play. Will you chip in to help make sure we start building the resources early that we’re going to need to defend our Democratic majority in the House?

Losing the gains we’ve made in recent years in the House would be a disaster, John.

We know that the Republican fundraising machine is already mobilizing its mega-donors, and Republican strategists are picking out their top targets for 2022. We can’t fall behind in the race for resources.

Please contribute if you can by clicking this link.


Serve America