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The Unz Review Digest - December 4, 2020

Ranking first by a wide margin this last week was Mike Whitney’s strongly skeptical discussion of the newly announced Covid-19 vaccines, pointing to various sources that suggest the risks may considerably outweigh the benefits, especially given the breakneck speed with which they were developed and tested.  This argument attracted a heavy volume of contentious discussion, but mostly supportive, with nearly 450 comments, totaling some 60,000 words.

Placing second was Fred Reed’s article on the ongoing tremendous technological and economic progress of China, with the American media desperately trying to obfuscate that its economy has now considerably surpassed that of America’s in size, with our own rapidly-growing internal corruption and ideological extremism proving no match for the utilitarian pragmatism of present-day China, as indicated by numerous specific examples.  Well over 350 comments, totaling more than 40,000 words, hotly debated this thesis.

Last week’s piece by Edmund Connelly on the strange and recent near-disappearance of white males from American advertising held the third spot, with the lengthy discussion now reaching 100,000 words in more than 650 comments.

Next came an absolute tie between two articles providing somewhat different perspectives on the current presidential vote fraud controversy.  A long piece by Brett Redmayne-Titley summarized the legal state of play, arguing that there was a serious possibility that the courts might accept the evidence of major vote in support of the Democratic ticket as being sufficiently strong as to invalidate the election, and even if events play out differently, the public faith in the American system of government should be severely diminished.

Ranking just below, was Giles Corey’s harsh criticism of the vote and swirling claims of fraud as representing the final stage in the total political dispossession of white Americans, now cheated out of the last vestiges of the political control of their own country by our ruling heavily-Jewish elites.

Finally, rounding out our most popular featured articles was Andrew Joyce’s discussion of the dreadful state of Portland, Oregon, one of America’s most overwhelmingly white cities, yet now in a state of constant rioting and turmoil due to the enormous presence of antifa radicals and other disruptive elements.

The new Covid vaccines will make billions of dollars for the big pharmaceutical companies, but here's what they won't do: The vaccines will not cure Covid The vaccines will not prevent people from contracting Covid The vaccines will not prevent Covid-related hospitalizations The vaccines will not prevent Covid-caused deaths Now, I know what you're thinking.... Read More
It’s only a lump. It will probably go away.
In a sort of distributed Ouija board enterprise, intellectuals these days predict the likely evolution of relations between China and America. These authorities do not wallow in consistency. China will take over the world. Alternatively, China will collapse because of a surfeit of men, because the different linguistic regions will become independent, because their debt... Read More
Understandably, at this point in time after the 2020 elections, many observers are laser focused on the struggle for the Presidency between the incumbent and the cadaver. Accounts of voter fraud are mildly interesting, but observers are, in my view, missing the larger and far more important story: The race war against Whites has reached... Read More
In one ruling, a bombshell. Issued in the late evening this past Friday by Pennsylvania Commonwealth judge, Patricia McCollough, her bold- and absolutely correct- ruling is about to make Nov 27, 2020 the day that the highly questionable 2020 election blew to pieces. To make matters worse for the Dems, the same day, just down... Read More
I harbored no illusions about Donald “Platinum Plan” Trump, and did not plan on voting at all in this election. I knew that this election was almost wholly irrelevant to the American prospect, to the fate of White America. It isn’t that the “breathing room” argument is unsound, but rather that President Trump has never... Read More
It’s a little over seven years since I last set foot in Portland, Oregon, and I must say that none of the events in the city during the last 12 months have surprised me. Having spent most of my formative years growing up in some of the coldest, wettest, and cloudiest corners of Northwestern Europe,... Read More
Sidney Powell is emerging as a pivotal figure among those sounding the alarm that the United States is forfeiting its claim to be anything like a democratic country subject to the rule of law. Like Rudolf Giuliani, Powell has been a federal prosecutor. Unlike Giuliani, Powell has made one thing abundantly clear. She will not... Read More
There is a striking contrast for the historian between how popular culture portrays National Socialism and how the historians present it. In popular culture, the portrayal is uniformly negative, to the point that National Socialism becomes a wholly incomprehensible phenomenon. At the same time, Nazi aesthetics and themes - whether or not these are framed... Read More
It has been more than three weeks since election day and the incumbent U.S. president still has yet to concede defeat. Despite the media’s distraction over the perspiration of his personal attorney during a bizarre press conference, the legal team led by former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has actually done a decent job... Read More
Headline “Fairfax school board eliminates admissions test at Thomas Jefferson High School” probably America’s most demanding school for science and technology. Oh god, Oh god. Who is on the school board? Predictably education majors, the dimmest, lowest SAT-scoring dregs of the professional classes, the horror of smart students subjected to their grade-school mentalities. But not... Read More
Israel’s friends will enjoy four more years in power
I for one am getting really excited by the staff that Honest Joe Biden is pulling together for the White House. When I first heard the name Tony Blinken during the Obama kleptocracy I assumed that he was one of those Ivy League lawyer types that proliferate in Washington, likely affiliated with the firm of... Read More
The dialectic of Republicans and Democrats is a battle between High Fructose Corn Syrup and Soy. The right puts corn syrup in all our kids' food, which causes obesity and shaves IQ points. The left wants soy, which feminizes men and makes them gay. For both sides, gaslit by devious exploiters, the real systematic problems... Read More
Something remarkable even by the usually dismal standards of the stenographic media blue-tick brigade has been happening in the past few days. Leading journalists in the corporate media have suddenly felt the urgent need not only to criticise the late, much-respected foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, but to pile in against him, using the most outrageous... Read More
The G20 leaders have reached a consensus of a magnitude previously observed at Warsaw Pact summits. News in brief: they want to vaccinate us, and then, before we become restless, switch to combating global warming. If we survive masks and vaccines, austerity will kill off the survivors. Remember, before the pandemic there was Greta? Greta... Read More
Traveling is not just a shifting of the body, but a reorientation of the mind, so here in Lebanon, I can’t help but think about Islam, because I’m surrounded by Muslims, and the fajr call to prayer wakes me each dawn. Iran’s most advanced missiles are called Fajr, by the way, a mere coincidence, I’m... Read More
There seems to be a quasi consensus that Trump will not prevail and that Biden and Harris will get into the White House no matter what. To my surprise, even the Russian media seems to be considering that the Trump presidency is over. Yet, I am not so sure at all. Why? Because at this... Read More
There are many odd and irksome things about the new Hillbilly Elegy movie on Netflix. For my money, the strangest aspect of the production is that it has only a superficial resemblance to J. D. Vance’s 2016 book. It’s as though you were to make a movie of Moby-Dick, knowing only that it has a... Read More
A warrior’s soul sleeps in his fist. Wakes in his fist. Till his dying breath, will exist in his fist. No gun and no mortal danger can unfold this fist. A warrior will live and die with his fist clenched. This is not for love of violence nor for the thrills of war. Not because... Read More
Break out the Wagner, folks … the Germans are back! No, not the warm, fuzzy, pussified, peace-loving, post-war Germans … the Germans! You know the ones I mean. The “I didn’t know where the trains were going” Germans. The “I was just following orders” Germans. The other Germans. Yeah … those Germans. In case you... Read More
A respected physics professor who taught at Imam Hussein University of Tehran was ambushed by gangsters sent by Washington and Israel. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is now the sixth Iranian scientist murdered by Jewish state actors. Fakhrizadeh was put on a hit list in 2018 when during a powerpoint presentation Benjamin Netanyahu accused him of being a... Read More

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