John, we already knew that the NRA was full of corruption, but they are setting themselves up for far worse if Donald Trump, Jr. becomes the next NRA chief.

Really, this is a corruption match made in heaven.

The NRA is desperate to appoint yet another executive who will do the gun industry’s bidding no matter what— and Donald Trump Jr. is certainly that man. There is no doubt that Donald Trump, Jr. would follow the path of NRA executives like Wayne LaPierre and misuse donor money to fund lavish personal lifestyles while they ignore Americans who are losing their lives to gun violence every day.

John, we need to show the NRA that it’s not above the law. This past year, we sent over 150,000 signatures to the IRS demanding that they challenge the NRA’s tax-exempt status. With this latest news that they could further their corruption by hiring Trump Jr., we need to ramp up our advocacy to the IRS. We need to DOUBLE our outpouring to the IRS demanding they dissolve the NRA.

Will you be one of the 150,000 NEW names that we send to the IRS, John? We need to show the IRS that the country is ready to dissolve the NRA and that support for removing their tax-exempt status has multiplied. I’m asking you, John: Will you add your name to our petition to the IRS to challenge the NRA’s tax-exempt status? >>

For too long, the NRA has cheated its members and American taxpayers in pursuit of an extremist agenda that has made our country markedly less safe. Greed and corruption are indefensible, but when it comes at the cost of obstructing action on gun violence that claims 40,000 American lives a year, it is unconscionable.

The IRS should immediately act on Brady’s petition to revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status. American taxpayers should not be forced to effectively subsidize the luxurious lifestyle of NRA executives — including the corrupt lifestyle of Donald Trump Jr. Thank you for fighting with me. 

Kris Brown
President, Brady


840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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