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Two ways the election validated Agenda Setters

In a previous message, we showed you how the election may help pass our criminal justice reform proposals. This message will show how the results of the election validated Agenda Setters' ideas. 

Republicans ignored mail-in voting rules while Democrats worked to change them. The Democrats paid attention to the voting PROCESS, in advance. The resulting mail-in vote favored them. This was the secret subtext of the election. Even if you say, there was fraud...

...that too is about PROCESS. It's about the rules of receiving and counting the votes.

The side that paid attention to the process, before the election, won. Attention to the process was the missing ingredient in the Trump strategy. This validates something we have said repeatedly...
He who makes the rules will rule
If you want to cause real change you simply must care about process-oriented stuff. 

And we want to stress that Agenda Setters by Downsize DC is about process in two ways...
  • We want to use a part of the governmental process that most people ignore - we think lobbying is more powerful than voting.
  • We want to deploy our process-oriented strategy on behalf of ideas that would change the process by which Congress and the Executive Branch operate.

So you may think process stuff is boring, but you ignore it at your own risk. Please sign-up to join The 300 for one or more of our process-oriented bills...

Or perhaps best of all, prohibit congressional leaders from combining unrelated proposals. Do this by supporting...
One Subject at a Time Act

Also, Downsize DC runs on a lean budget. It's made possible, primarily, by modest monthly pledges. We seek one-time contributions, but our plans require new monthly pledgers. We provide several options by which you can contribute or start a pledge.

More soon!

Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC

Today's Action: Support the One Subject at a Time Act
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