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News Analyisis
Two Big Wins Against CAIR in 24 Hours ([link removed]) Here's how we did it ... Read and Share ([link removed])
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Why Trump Is Not Attacking Iran ([link removed]) Clarion's Ryan Mauro weighs in Watch ([link removed])
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Beaten and Threatened for Defending Women’s Rights ([link removed]) A day in the life of a courageous Egyptian human rights lawyer Read ([link removed])
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Shireen Qudosi: Taking Muslim Reform to the Next Level ([link removed]) Thoughts on the first Muslim Reform Town Hall Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Help Get This Anti-Semitic Islamist Off This HR Commission ([link removed])
“Almost as crazy as electing six countries with the worst human rights records to the UN human rights commission, but who's keeping track?”
- L.R.
Women’s March Kicks Out Linda Sarsour, But Replaces Her With … ([link removed])
“Funny how all of a sudden these women become leaders in Western democratic nations to criticize Western values and uphold their own oppressive culture.”
- P.P.
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