What if your child's phone could help prevent them from being exploited?
What if your child's phone could help prevent them from being exploited?
Defending Dignity Weekly Newsletter
Highlights: New app deletes naked selfies, the harms of "sugaring," and more!

#WRAPWeek 2019: How You Can Impact Your Family, Your Community, and Your Campus

Since White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) week started in 1987, thousands of people across the country have participated in tackling the many societal harms of pornography. This year’s Wrap Week runs from October 27th to November 3rd.
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New App Instantly Deletes Naked Selfies from Children's Phones

SelfieStop claims it can instantly delete a naked selfie from a child’s phone before it can ever be sent to peers or sexual predators.
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Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Now Led by Man Accused of Sexual Harassment

Earlier this year the notorious Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue was named to the 2019 Dirty Dozen List for its contributions to and normalization of sexual objectification. Since 1964, the annual issue has sexually objectified women for profit and sport, sending a message that women’s bodies are available for public consumption. The magazine would be more aptly named the “Sexploitation Issue” for the way it portrays women as objects for the sexual gratification of men. Now the company has hired a CEO who has already been accused of sexual misconduct. 
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Sugar Baby-Daddy Relationships Commodify Sex, Intimacy

Is "sugaring" legal? Should it be considered sex work? Is there a difference between sugar dating and prostitution? Our Vice President of Advocacy, Haley Halverson, joined a panel on Texas Public Radio to break down the inherent problems with "sugaring."
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NCOSE Project Spotlight:

With gratitude,
Dawn Hawkins
Sr. Vice President & Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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