How was your #GivingTuesday? Some benefited more than others; NRA's corruption soap opera; US election workers and officials harassed, threatened
How was your #GivingTuesday? Some benefited more than others; NRA's corruption soap opera; US election workers and officials harassed, threatened; and more!
We know many of our readers are in the process of seeking forgiveness for their PPP loans and making decisions about how to represent the funds in their year-end financial statements. So, we asked our trusted friends at Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) the burning questions on all of our minds.
Are You in the Dark About Your Financial Situation? Are you confident that you are receiving everything you need from your nonprofit’s finance department in order to make informed business decisions? If not, this presentation will shine a light on the financial information you should be receiving.
Without a response at the level of the New Deal or the Marshall Plan, our sector will be left to manage pain and suffering it will never be able to ease.
The isolation and disruption in recovery programs appears to be taking its toll on those struggling with addiction and the demand for Narcan reflects that.
Frozen Pipe Prevention & Readiness Tips Learn about steps to take now and during cold spells to protect your property this winter with these frozen pipe prevention and readiness tips.