Here is just a small list of ICOSE’s incredible work so far: - ICOSE led the charge in a campaign calling on credit card companies to cut ties with the abusive and exploitative online pornography industry, landing on the front page of BBC News. Child safety and anti-sexual exploitation advocates and organizations from 13 countries sent a joint letter to major credit card and payment processing companies like VISA and MasterCard, requesting them to stop processing payments for the hardcore pornography industry—marking the first international effort to do so. Read the joint international letter here.
- Our international impact has risen dramatically! In just the few short months since ICOSE’s inception, we have met with over a dozen countries to discuss critical issues such as pornography and trafficking, including Rwanda, Israel, Ukraine, Liberia, Denmark, and the United Kingdom. We’ve also worked with several international organizations and governments to draft critical reports, including a report on the harms of sex buying to the United Nations.
- ICOSE participated in global protests against PornHub, one of the largest online porn companies, which has been caught hosting videos of sex trafficking, child sexual abuse victims, non-consensually shared images, and extremely racist content.
- Our virtual CESE Global Summit this year allowed more international collaboration than ever before! With over 22,000 attendees from over 110 countries, there was incredible momentum for the global movement to become more united and active than ever in 2020.