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Councillors in the Western Isles have chosen educational materials provided for Catholic schools over Scottish Government-approved resources in the teaching of personal and social education.
Bishop of Carlisle James Newcome has offered to step back temporarily from all groups of which he is a patron or board member, while he is being investigated by the Church of England's National Safeguarding Team, the diocese of Carlisle has confirmed.
In a letter, Neil Barber of the Edinburgh Secular Society criticises the Scottish government for giving funding to a Christian debt advice service that proselytises to its clients.
French authorities will investigate dozens of mosques and prayer halls suspected of radical teachings as part of a crackdown on Islamist extremists following a spate of attacks, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said.
Polish politicians should stop stigmatising LGBTI people, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights said in a memorandum published on Thursday, adding that such behaviour risked legitimising homophobic violence.
The US Supreme Court sided with a church fighting California's Covid ban on religious services just hours before governor Gavin Newsom announced a new state-wide stay-at-home order.
Judicial intervention on behalf of religion may well only widen the gap between people of faith and the very institutions that they seek to protect, say Benjamin Spratt and Joshua Stanton.
The world is determined to look away from a horrific campaign of killings being perpetrated in Africa under the name of Islam, say Abraham Cooper and Johnnie Moore.
A state-funded faith school recently rejected a child because her mother isn't Jewish. This shows the absurdity of religious discrimination in admissions, says Megan Manson.
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