Friday, December 4th, 2020

The Stench of Bipartisan Cooperation on the Potomac

David Stockman

Lockdown and Its Forgotten Victims

Tom Woods – YouTube

State Propaganda at This Level Spells a Pre-planned and Fake Manufactured Plot to Control the World!

Gary D. Barnett

Matt Taibbi: Don’t Trust the News

Adam Taggart

America’s Color Revolution

Cherie Zaslawsky

Welcome to Micromobility

Eric Peters

Abrams-Founded Group Under Investigation for Allegedly Soliciting Voter Registrations from Dead and Out-of-State Individuals

Erin Coates

Triumph of the ‘Pod People’? What the 2020 Election Really Means

Boyd D. Cathey

Renowned Scientist Tells Laura Ingraham the Covid-19 Vaccine Is ‘Downright Dangerous’ and Will Send You ‘to Your Doom’

Peter Barry Chowka

The Trouble With Authoritie

Tim Hartnett

Are Americans Rational?

Dmitry Orlov

Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

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