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Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp calls for a signature audit after CCTV footage was leaked of hidden ballots being secretly counted.
This video changed the course of history. And no, they did know they were on tape:

After Georgia Stopped Counting, CCTV Shows Suitcases FULL OF BALLOTS Hidden Under Desks Are Pulled Out

BREAKING: Georgia Gov. Kemp calls for 'signature ...

Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL)

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla contributed $350 million for a “non-partisan” non-profit organization (Center for Tech and Civic Life-CTCL), which passed the funds on to ...

Georgia: Dominion Had Remote Desktop Access To Voting Machines, Poll Pads
During today’s Georgia hearing, a poll worker of 20 years says that the dominion system WAS connected to the internet. She said that she had someone access her tablet remotely.

Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal ...

Election Fraud Eyewitnesses Harassed, Threatened, and BEATEN
Sidney Powell Claims Some Of Her Witnesses Have Been ‘Threatened’ And ‘Beaten Up’

By: Martin Walsh, Conservative Brief, December 2, 2020

Sidney Powell, the prominent defense attorney who is fighting in courtrooms across the country ...

BREAKING: Arizona GOP finds 2% of duplicate ballots took votes away from Trump after judge allows sample to be examined
If allowed to play out, there is no doubt the election will be declared for President Trump.

In Arizona, it turns out that 3% of the votes cast in the 100 count vote sampling were tainted or worse. This would be, if carried forward, ...

Nevada ‘fraud’: 42,248 voted ‘multiple times, 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, ’ RV camps as ‘homes’
1% of Nevada voters shown to have voted never did and 2% of those shown to have voted by mail never got a ballot.

Nevada 'fraud': 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, 42,248 voted ‘multiple times,’ RV camps as 'homes' by Paul Bedard, Washington ...

CNN TAPES: Listen as CNN’s Zucker, Execs Caught Ordering News Division To Bury Hunter Biden Story, Helping Biden With Miami Cubans
This the very definition of malicious election interference.

O’Keefe CNN Tapes: Execs Discussed Burying Hunter Biden Story, Advocated Helping Biden With Miami Cubans

By  Ryan Saavedra • Daily Wire, Dec 2, 2020:

Newly released ...

Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column
The same group also found over 10,000 individuals who voted in the 2020 election who no longer live in the state, which is also illegal

More corruption in Georgia ballots is uncovered.  The reversal of these illegal votes could put the state ...

LIVE NOW: After Georgia Stopped Counting, CCTV Shows Suitcases FULL OF BALLOTS Hidden Under Desks Are Pulled Out
Video footage from Georgia shows that poll workers were told to stop counting and leave, while 4 people stayed behind to continue counting ballots in private

— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) December 3, 2020

LIVE: ...

Reported ‘leaked video’ shows Chinese company agreeing to print phony US ballots
Watch the video — would love reader feedback.

During the call the men, talking in Mandarin, discuss a deal to print phony ballots for the US presidential election.

Smoking gun? Reported ‘leaked video’ shows Chinese company agreeing to ...

President Trump Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ of Mail-In Ballots
It is required.

President Trump Calls for ‘Full Forensic Audit’ of Mail-In Ballots

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, December 3, 2020:

President Donald Trump on Wednesday called for a full forensic audit of mail-in ballots that ...

Trump Lawyers Are About To Have Their Day In Court in Nevada
This is one to watch. The allegations and evidence Trump campaign lawyers will present to a district court judge in Nevada on Thursday afternoon is devastating.

Trump Lawyers Claim Widespread Election Fraud In Nevada, And They’re About To ...

Sidney Powell sues Arizona officials over Dominion software, alleges 412,000 illegal ballots
The hesit is so great, so overwhelming, that ignoring it, suppressing it will go down in history marking the patriot or traitor to the Repbulic. .

Sidney Powell sues Arizona officials over Dominion software, alleges 412,000 illegal ballots ...

Republican senators find body bags and anti-Trump messages on their doorsteps
If you don't think this is coup, you've already surrendered.

Republican senators find body bags and anti-Trump messages on their doorsteps

Republican senators who have rejected COVID relief packages that are the brainchild of House Speaker ...

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