Dear Supporter,
It's a longer Taxpayer Update this week – but there is just so much
silliness in Wellington that we're swamped.
Ruled-out taxes back on the agenda
Jacinda Ardern has previously ruled out both a capital gains tax
and an asset tax. In fact, both she and the Finance Minister promised
that other than a new income tax bracket, there would be no further
tax changes this term.
But just weeks after the election, it looks like those promises
could unravel.
Faced with increasing pressure over rising house prices,
the Finance Minister appears to be “un-ruling out” new taxes on
Egged on by Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr, Robertson
is asking Treasury for advice on an extension of the “bright-line”
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Extending the bright line test is effectively imposing a nasty
capital gains tax – at a rate of up to 39% – for property owners who
sell within ten years.
Taxing houses will not make them more affordable. What this tax
would do is hammer people who need to cash out of property for
personal reasons. It would reduce liquidity in the market, and could
even incentivise politicians to drive up house prices further in order
to reap tax revenue from the capital gain.
The Government also appears to have “un-ruled out” increasing
the tax rate for trusts to 39%, to match the new top income tax
Both of these tax proposals would be harmful. But here’s the
biggest worry: if the Government decides it’s okay to break its tax
promises, it won’t stop at these. A Green Party-style asset tax or
even a Michael Cullen-style capital gains tax could be back on the
agenda. That's why we've set up a tool for New Zealanders to tell
Grant Robertson to keep his promises. Sent him your message at
Auckland University’s $5 million mansion rort

A year ago, the University of Auckland purchased a $5 million
Parnell mansion for its new Vice-Chancellor, Dawn Freshwater.
The Auditor-General opened an investigation and on
Wednesday released his report. He could hardly be more scathing:
he says that the University failed to show a justifiable business
purpose, failed to demonstrate objectivity, failed to display adequate
transparency, failed to show the expenditure was moderate and
conservative, and failed to follow its own policy on sensitive
By charging the Dawn Freshwater half the market rent, the
University effectively topped up her $755,000 salary in a way that
wouldn’t be transparent to observers.
The victims here are fee-paying students and taxpayers, who
expected their hard-earned money to be spent on education, not luxury
housing for a public sector bigwig.
It’s not enough for the University to just sell the mansion.
We’re calling on Dawn Freshwater to backpay the University for
the real value of her discounted rent. If she can’t show this
basic respect to taxpayers and students, she is unfit for the top
Consultants are getting rich off the Ihumātao stand-off

Last year the Prime Minister made a big show of announcing her
intervention at Ihumātao, but in reality she’s fobbed off the nuts and
bolts of negotiations to highly-paid consultants.
The Government has paid consultants more than $150,000 to
provide advice regarding the dispute, with some paid $325 an hour, according
to the Herald.
The problem is that all parties involved at Ihumātao – the
occupiers, Fletcher Building, and the consultants – know that the
Government has deep pockets and that the Prime Minister isn’t willing
to walk away from the negotiating table. This means they can be
aggressive with their demands.
If the Government is willing to pay Ihumātao consultants
$325 per hour, taxpayers can expect the Government to fork out a
horrendous sum for any eventual settlement of the dispute.
And with Auckland land values rapidly increasing, the likely bill only
gets worse as the standoff drags on.
The Prime Minister needs to do right by taxpayers and call off the
negotiations, reasserting Fletcher Building’s property rights. That
way, if the occupiers want the land, they’ll need to convince Tainui
to buy it.
Green Party MPs once again the highest spenders on air
Yesterday saw the release of MP expenses for July-September.
It turns out Green Party MPs are burning taxpayer money and
fossil fuels at a faster rate than any other party as they jet up and
down the country:

These spending figures arrive in the same week the government
declared a climate emergency at the Greens’ behest. The hypocrisy is
enough to make you weep.
Children’s Commissioner is a pointless taxpayer-funded

Children’s Commissioner Andrew Becroft has used his latest “Child
Poverty Monitor” report to call
for costly policies that aren’t even targeted at children. He
wants the Government to spend more on benefits and accommodation
supplements, and is even pushing for the internationally discredited
policy of rent control.
Taxpayer-friendly proposals to address child poverty, such as GST
relief or RMA reform, never seem to feature in the Commissioner’s
On Wednesday, we called it for what it is: the Commissioner
is a taxpayer-funded left-wing lobbyist. He offers no ideas that
aren’t already being pushed by countless left-wing groups who at least
get their points across without taxpayer funding.
The Commissioner is funded by taxpayers to the tune of $3.2 million
a year. $2.7 million of that is spent on salaries, including $272,000
for the Commissioner himself. He could do far more for children by
winding up his office and just giving that money to the kids!
You've got to be kidding...
Remember Trevor Mallard's $572,000 Parliamentary playground? It's
been open for barely a year and it's already closed for

Ministers need to explain surprise new priorities

Just six weeks after the election, Labour Ministers are unveiling
surprise new 'top priorities' that were completely absent from the
party's election
Local Government Minister Nanaia
Mahuta stated of that one her top priorities is abolishing the
ability of ratepayers to initiate a public referendum if a Maori ward
is going to be established in their area. This policy is not
referred to in Labour's manifesto. Ironically, the manifesto does
commit to having ‘major decisions about local democracy involve full
participation of the local population from the outset.’ The Minister
seems intent on shutting out full participation on certain major
decisions about local democracy. She has no mandate for this.
Labour's success in the election gives the party a clear mandate,
but only for the policies it campaigned on. The public has not
endorsed abolishing referenda, nor switching
to bilingual road signs, which the Minister of Transport has also
named as a priority.
If other Labour Ministers are harbouring unannounced priorities,
they should release them now in a transparent manifesto update, rather
than revealing them on an ad-hoc basis throughout the next three
Creative NZ fights COVID-19 with poems attacking National,

In the lead-up to the 2020 general election, Newsroom was
awarded $21,150 “towards commissioning weekly NZ book reviews,
short stories and poems” as part of Creative NZ’s "Arts
Continuity" COVID-19 response fund.
Newsroom used taxpayer
money to commission a series of poems targeted at political party
leaders, penned by writer Victor Billot – a former trade union
official and former co-leader of the socialist Alliance
On Judith Collins, Mr
Billot writes:
“But when the Queen first speaks,
Lady Judith just cackles. F-bombs and eye rolls, head high
verbal tackles When Her Kindness speaks again, JC says
look at me! And spins her head round in circles,
An attempted
satire of David Seymour reads:
“But now fascism is casting a
shadow over our fair land. Queen Cindy’s one party state
is close at hand To despots I proclaim; I have no time for
your treaty! On principle I REFUSE to holiday on
Meanwhile, a poem
addressed to Jacinda Ardern merely encourages her to push harder
for her political agenda:
“The kind of kindness we need to
see now must go beyond reassuring speech. It
must extend both breadth and reach. That’s what we need
J.A. to deliver Those houses she mentioned, those fresh
blue rivers.”
Here’s what we told
the media:
Mr Billot is entitled to
write childish screeds about politicians he doesn’t like, and Newsroom
is welcome to publish them – but taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for
This is yet another example of Creative
NZ using its funding to support political propaganda. The agency,
which claims to support the arts for the benefit of all New
Zealanders, recently also gave money to The Spinoff to agitate
for entrenched Maori electoral wards.
The Newsroom
poems are especially egregious in that they were published in the
lead-up to an election. At the very least, Creative NZ needs to review
its grants approval process to ensure it is funding a range of
political perspectives, or simply not funding political material at
Amusingly, after we criticised this spending, the poet himself published
a tirade calling us “a front for far right political interests who
are opposed to taxes in principle”. Our in-house poet Neil Miller
decided to respond in poetry form:
There once was a poet called
Billot Evil Taxpayers’ Union put his funding on a
skillet He responded to this fiscally conservative
swinge With an extended far left wing whinge
Criticisms of his time at the
public trough Were met with a challenge and a mighty
scoff He then unleashed interminable verses of
rage “Taxpayers should fund my hobby in my
Calling David Seymour a fascist
marching the street That might make a nice low-grade
tweet But taxpayers should not have to pay for your
socialist rants The Union took a poll – your poems are
We ridiculed your poems just by
publishing them That got more readers than the usual arty
scrum Your poems are so bad they would almost be
funny If they weren’t being paid for by our hard-earned
Neil Miller New
Zealand Taxpayers’ Union Poet Laureate (27 November 2020-)
Have a great weekend,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'
PS. In case you
missed it earlier, this week our annual supporter survey is now open.
If you have five minutes – click
here to let us know how we're doing and what we should prioritise
for 2021.