It’s today! Follow our live coverage on social media and our website, as this historic day unfolds, and the Global Climate Strike week of action kicks off around the globe.

Hi John,

This is it: the Global Climate Strike kicks off today across the globe. 🥳

Millions of us across all timezones are putting down our tools, closing our laptops and leaving our uniforms at home. We're coming together in our hope and our anger.

It’s going to be big, and loud, and beautiful. Don’t miss it!

Throughout the day, as hundreds of strikes take place take place across Europe, we’ll be sharing reports and livestreams, highlights from actions and inspiring photos and videos showcasing the power and diversity of our global movement for climate justice.

Here’s where you can see the latest updates:

>> Keep this liveblog tab open for latest highlights and breaking news.

>> Follow 350 Europe on twitter for video and photo from hundreds of events across Europe.

>> Follow 350 on Facebook for livestreams and powerful stories of climate strikers.

Finally: keep an eye on your inbox for the most inspiring updates of the day and week, as the climate strikes taking place today kick off a global week of action, culminating on the 27th of September.

This is a day when we make history. Get inspired! If you haven’t planned to join a strike in your area yet, it’s not too late: check out this map with hundreds and hundreds of strikes across Europe, find one near where you live, and join with others striking for climate justice this week!

Thank you for being part of it!

Julia for the 350 team is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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