America remains in a cultural crisis: Will we preserve our freedoms, or will we lose them?
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Charlemagne Institute
This Is Incumbent Upon Us All
America remains in a cultural crisis:
Will we preserve our freedoms, or will we lose them?

Dear Reader,

As follow-up to my earlier email…

To our mutual consternation, and as the growing turbulence over the disputed 2020 Presidential election demonstrates, the principles of American freedom are under vicious assault. Understand that this is a truly profound threat, emanating as it does from the various shades—and genders—of Marxists and Post-Modernists who would deny us our shared traditions and independence.

As we can readily see, across all spheres of common discourse, an illiberal left stifles dissent from their corrosive ideology. The sad fact is—if given the chance—they would readily put our nation’s history to the torch. Which leads to our sounding the alarm that the enduring integrity of the American system now needs our vigorous defense.

This is a responsibility that Charlemagne Institute readily embraces. It’s why we’ve built one of the premier venues for debate on politics, culture, family, education, and religion.

It’s why we publish Chronicles magazine and Intellectual Takeout, and why we feel privileged to reach upwards of 10 million individual readers a year.

Insofar as the Charlemagne mission is predicated upon winning back hearts and minds, we need not merely to stop the spread, but to reverse the progressive pall of intolerance over our nation. In light of this mission—the suddenly existential nature of the threats of our republic—we’re asking you now, today, to join us in battle.


In this hour of need, please consider supporting our work to defend and preserve our freedoms…

Your generous gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or even $1,000 will go a long way in helping us succeed in our vigorous advocacy of heartland conservatism!

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Let me know we can count on you!


Devin Foley

Devin C. Foley
Co-Founder and CEO
Charlemagne Institute

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (952) 388–0840.

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