
Jack --

Climate donors played a huge role in flipping the White House. But the fight for the Senate goes on - and is more urgent than ever. There are two runoffs happening in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate. Winning these runoffs is imperative - two climate champions need your help TODAY.

Can you step up to help FLIP both seats in Georgia and secure a green majority in the Senate?

Flip Georgia Fund

Joe Biden won Georgia. That means Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock can win these Senate seats with enough support from activists across the nation.

Mitch McConnell has already made it clear that climate change legislation won’t go anywhere in a Republican-controlled Senate. Winning these two seats is the only way to ensure Joe Biden can pass bold climate legislation.

Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock need to raise $10,000 by midnight. Can you chip in $5 to flip two Senate seats in Georgia?


Don’t let this opportunity slip by.

Thank you for continuing this fight,
-- Jill Lombardi
GiveGreen Director, NextGen America

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