
Thanks to folks like you, we flipped one of the most competitive Senate seats this year — and in just a few weeks, I’ll be sworn in as Colorado’s next U.S. Senator.

Now comes the hard part.

My team and I have been busy laying the groundwork and strategizing our agenda for the next several months. It’s incredibly important to me that I get your feedback on the issues that matter most to you before we develop any plans.

My top priority is making sure that I’m fighting for your interests in Washington. Hearing directly from you helps me do just that.

I wish I could sit down and grab coffee (or a cold beer) with each and every one of you to hear about your concerns. But the next-best way for me to know what’s on your mind is through my quick priorities survey.

Will you take a few minutes (two, tops!) to let me know what issues matter most to you this year?

Take our survey

Thanks for everything. I mean that.

— John