Since March, tens of millions of Americans have filed for unemployment, many of whom now can't pay rent or put food on the table, and over 260,000 lives have been lost as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.
Despite this suffering, Senate Republicans have refused to pass any meaningful COVID-19 relief, instead continuing their attempts to shamelessly shove Donald Trump's federal judicial nominations through as quickly as they can.
I'm not going to let them ignore the pandemic any longer. I'm demanding that Senate Republicans act to address the pandemic, not push through more judges. Will you add your name to demand the Senate focus on COVID-19 relief immediately?
We held an election. The American people chose President-elect Joe Biden. He should be tasked with nominating judges to the federal courts when he is sworn in on January 20th. Now is the time to focus on addressing the pandemic and providing much-needed relief.