December 03, 2020 John,
Tomorrow, members of the US House of Representatives are anticipated to take up the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement (MORE) Act for a full floor vote. The vote will mark the first time in 50 years that a chamber of Congress has ever addressed the question of ending the federal criminalization of cannabis.
Here is what we know: the MORE Act removes the marijuana plant from the federal Controlled Substances Act -- thereby eliminating the existing conflict between state and federal cannabis laws. That is why NORML is advocating that lawmakers vote yes. And that is why we are asking you one last time today to call your Member of Congress and make sure they do so.
So please, call the Capitol Switchboard right now -- whether it is your first time ever calling or your 50th time -- because today is the final full day we have to go on record and make our voices heard.
Capitol Switchboard (ask for your House Member):
(202) 224-3121
I am calling as a constituent to ensure that your office is aware of my support for the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act, which is being voted on tomorrow.
The MORE Act would end the federal prohibition and criminalization of marijuana, thereby eliminating the existing conflict between state and federal cannabis laws and providing individual states with the authority to be the primary arbiters of cannabis policy.
Further, The MORE Act would also make several other important changes to federal marijuana policy, including:
· Facilitate the expungement of low-level, federal marijuana convictions, and incentivize state and local governments to take similar actions;
· Create pathways for ownership opportunities in the emerging regulated industry for local and diversely-reflective entrepreneurs through the Small Business Administration grant eligibility;
· Allow veterans, for the first time, to obtain medical cannabis recommendations from their VA doctors;
If your office has any questions, please have them contact the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, better known as NORML, at [email protected].
But most importantly, please vote YES on the MORE Act.
After you call, forward this email to your friends and family to have them do the same. Share our Action Alert on your social networks to drive up support.
Make sure that you and the majority of Americans who oppose federal marijuana prohibition do not go unheard.
Yours in reform,
P.S. If you’re in a position to do so, we’d really appreciate your support. Sign up to be a recurring NORML member by chipping in 5, 10, 20 bucks or more a month so we can sustainably grow our efforts.