There’s a partisan logjam happening in Washington right now, folks, and I am tired of it.

I am hearing directly from Montana families, business owners, school administrators, and medical professionals that the devastating effects of this pandemic are getting worse.

All the while Washington politicians sit on their hands and do nothing.

My largely rural state has already suffered nearly 700 COVID-19 deaths, and now our medical community is sounding the alarm that medical facilities are at capacity.

Not just that, but our schools are struggling with the additional costs of providing quality education to students while keeping them safe. And businesses are fighting every day to make ends meet but can only do so much with the disruptions to everyday life — and most importantly, the lack of action out of Washington.

Instead of trading barbs in the press or pointing fingers at each other for failing to get a COVID-19 relief package done, it is time to come together and find a path forward to get meaningful relief across the finish line.

If you agree that enough is enough, sign my petition right now demanding Washington politicians reach across the aisle and provide families and businesses with the COVID relief they deserve immediately:


This is not a game. People’s lives and livelihoods are on the line. Montana businesses and working families simply cannot afford for us to waste another moment.

Thanks for signing on,
