This recent opinion piece, by the State Director of Americans for Prosperity (the Koch Brothers’ hatchet organization), is exactly the kind of rhetoric we can expect to increase exponentially over the next months.
Lots of hyperbolic statements and opinions written as fact with no substantiation.
The problem is, the language also sounds sort of good and can draw people into believing he has good ideas. The simple truth, however, is that his rhetoric does not address our rural communities, our lack of broadband access in many areas, our students in poverty and our special needs students.
But this is the agenda that forces inside and outside of Montana will be pushing hard. The Koch Brothers have spent countless millions of dollars pushing for school vouchers and working hand-in-glove with Betsy DeVos. Most recently, they successfully got Arizona legislators to enact the nation’s broadest school voucher program. But teachers and parents fought back and against fierce odds, the brought a referendum and defeated this program that drained so much from Arizona public schools.
Let’s make sure Montana isn’t pushed to this point.