These resources can help you find peace of mind.
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The Christian Century
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How you serve your congregation and community continues to evolve, especially amidst a pandemic. As new challenges arise, finding new ways to help yourself and those you serve can make all the difference. Check out these resources ([link removed]) to see how Church Mutual can help you and your house of worship cultivate connection, practice self-care and find peace of mind through the holidays, COVID-19 and beyond.
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With 120+ years of experience, we know what it means to keep going strong – and we know these times always come with a brighter tomorrow. So when you need help to keep leading your house of worship forward, we’ll be here.
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©2020 ** Church Mutual Insurance Company, S.I. ([link removed])
Church Mutual is a stock insurer whose policyholders are members of the parent mutual holding company formed on 1/1/20. S.I. = a stock insurer.
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