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World Resources Institute


5 Pillars of a New Ocean Agenda 

The ocean contributes $1.5 trillion to the global economy, feeds three billion people, and supports hundreds of millions of jobs in tourism, fishing and transportation. But the ocean is under threat and cannot continue to produce at these levels without shifting to a sustainable ocean economy. The good news—action is on the way. Nicola Frost and Kristian Teleki describe how the Ocean Panel—14 ocean country leaders—are committing to support global ocean protection targets and sustainably manage 100% of own waters by 2025. This unprecedented global collaboration is a key step towards effectively managing and governing the whole ocean. Read More.

Ocean-based renewable energy—like offshore wind turbines, shown here in Germany—can provide clean energy while generating jobs and boosting economies. Photo by
Extreme weather events — such as this flood in Ninh Binh, Vietnam — pose massive threats to humanity. Climate resiliency can help manage these threats. Photo by Constant Loubier/Unsplash

5 Key Aspects of a Resilient Recovery 

Governments worldwide will invest over $10 trillion in crisis relief this year, but to emerge stronger from COVID-19, that money must be directed into the right places. Where is that? Christina Chan, director of WRI’s Climate Resilience Practice, highlights five aspects of a resilient recovery: empowering local voices, improved food security and rural livelihoods, nature-based solutions, better water access in cities, and more global adaptation finance. For Adaptation Week, she tells how the Global Commission on Adaptation is catalyzing change. Read more.

Green stimulus, such as investing in EV charging infrastructure (shown here in Oregon, United States), can help economies rebound and create jobs. Photo by Visitor7/Wikimedia Commons

Lessons from the Great Recession for COVID-19 Green Recovery 

Governments are in uncharted territory as they respond to the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic—but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn from the past. In a new WRI report, Research Associate Joel Jaeger and co-authors Michael Westphal and Corey Park identify lessons from green stimulus programs launched in response to the 2008 global financial crisis. Then China, the United States, South Korea and Japan spent the most on green stimulus, but they have pledged less in response to COVID-19 to date. This time the E.U., Germany and France are planning to spend far more on green stimulus than they did 12 years ago. How to succeed? “Governments should focus on projects that can scale up quickly, avoiding untested technologies and complicated infrastructure projects,” Jaeger says. Read More.

Protecting and restoring the United States' many forests — including these trees along Rampart Lakes, Washington — should be a priority for the Biden administration. Photo by Sergei Akulich/Unsplash

3 Ways President Biden and Congress Can Restore US Forests 

Amid extreme U.S. partisanship, planting trees and restoring forests is a rare bright spot of bipartisan agreement. Yet there has been little progress. Alex Rudee, an expert in carbon removal via forestry and agriculture, welcomes the launch of a new coalition that aims to increase the ability of U.S. forests to fight climate change. He highlights three policies in the group’s new platform that could seed action to grow 60 billion new trees by 2050. Read More.



What Climate Science Really Says About Carbon Capture
December 04, 2020
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST

High-Level Roundtable on NDCs and Short-lived Climate Pollutants
December 09, 2020
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM GMT

The True Opportunity of Restoring Land: Lessons from India
December 09, 2020
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM EST7:00 - 8:30 pm IST | 2:30 - 4:00 pm CET

Green, Equitable, Inclusive: Redefining Public Spaces
December 10, 2020
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM IST

Data Tools for Assessing New National Climate Commitments
December 10, 2020
7:00 AM EST9:00 PM EST