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Why did 74 million people vote for Trump?Tuesday December 8 8:00 pm EST streaming on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter
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The Situation
More people voted in this election than in any other election in U.S.
history, but 74 million of them voted for a fascist incumbent whose
regime has advanced a vicious program of white supremacy, misogyny and
theocratic patriarchy, and “America First” xenophobia. 74 million people
endorsed locking children in cages, throwing immigrants in
concentration camps, and backing the most vicious white supremacy,
including vigilante racist and anti-Semitic murderers. A political form
of Christian fundamentalism makes up the most organized solid base of
this fascist movement. The 74 million include millions deeply mired in a
world of lies, crazy lunatic conspiracy theories and a vicious
anti-science mindset that has already killed a quarter of a million
people from COVID, with the pandemic now out of control.
Some Questions
What accounts for this? What are its roots and how deep are they? Is
it an historical aberration? Will this movement fade away with Trump out
of office, or be further filled with revanchist determination? What is
the danger and what do we do about it?
Don’t miss an important forum to dig into this, and more, with:
Michael Coard, attorney and columnist for Philly Tribune, host of WURD’s Radio Courtroom
Coco Das, National Editorial Board of
Amanda Marcotte, writer for Salon and author of Troll Nation: How the
Right Became Trump-Worshipping Monsters Set on Rat-Fucking Liberals,
America, and Truth Itself
Chrissy Stroop, writer, scholar, ex-evangelical, co-editor of Empty the Pews: Stories of Leaving the Church
Andy Zee, host of The RNL – Revolution Nothing Less – Show; co-initiator of; spokesperson for Revolution Books.
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