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It has never been more important that we hold the Senate. Both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats are headed toward runoffs in January, and they will determine the balance of power in Washington. 

Currently, Republicans only hold 50 seats in the Senate to the Democrats’ 48. If Democrats pull off victories – and if we lose the presidency, too – then the deciding vote on legislation for the next two years would be Kamala Harris. 
It’s time for us to stand up and support our conservative allies in Georgia and keep our majority in the Senate! 
Senator David Perdue is a proven conservative and leader in the Senate, and has been a strong ally to President Trump and his America First agenda. He needs your help to keep the radical left from winning this seat. Will you please chip in right now?  

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It is imperative that we keep our firewall in the U.S. Senate.  
We know what Democrats will do if they get ahold of Congress AND the White House because they’ve already told us — they’ll pack the courts with liberal judges, end the electoral college, enact AOC’s Green New Deal, and more! 
Please help us prevent a liberal wasteland from overtaking America by sending your best gift now to help Republicans hold the Senate by reelecting David Perdue.  
With your help, we can win the fight in Georgia, and save America from the radical left.  

Kyle Hupfer 

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