David Beckham travels to the future to announce the end of malaria
This is the moment humankind has defeated the world’s oldest and deadliest disease – malaria.
Ending this deadly disease, at times has felt like a distant dream. The malaria parasite and the mosquito that carries it have been intimidating enemies.
But this future message from David Beckham gives us hope, reminding us all of what we are capable of achieving when we come together to fight diseases.
David Beckham appears in Malaria Must Die's A World Without Malaria film
The fight now is harder than ever, but if we come together, we have the chance to change the course of history and end a disease that is currently killing a child every two minutes.
This week’s annual WHO World Malaria Report, shows that now is not the time to step away - with over 400,000 malaria deaths reported in 2019, predominantly among children under five across Sub-Saharan Africa – now is the time to step up.
The emergence of Covid-19 has put progress the world has made against malaria over the past twenty years at risk. We must maintain and build on the efforts that has saved 7.6 million lives and seen the number of deaths drop by 60%.
We are capable of uniting to defeat this disease, and in doing so we can create a safer, healthier, stronger world for us all, and for future generations.
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