Week of Prayer:
The sanctity of life

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures for ever.” Psalm 136:1

Dear supporter,

Please join with us in prayer today.


Week of Prayer: Autumn 2020


29 Nov - 5 Dec

Week of Prayer


Sanctity of life

Abortion, assisted suicide and euthanasia ignore the value of human life as being made in God’s image.

“…All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139:16


Please pray:

  • Thanking God for the strong reaction against the blanket use of Do Not Resuscitate orders during the coronavirus outbreak;
  • That the temporary rules allowing abortions to take place without medical supervision will not be made permanent;
  • Giving thanks that the UK has strong laws against assisted suicide. Pray this will continue;
  • That lawmakers and wider society would see the unborn, the disabled, the elderly and the infirm as valuable human beings in need of protection.

Pray with us

Week of prayer daily video
Week of Prayer: Autumn 2020 Leaflet     

Download the Week of Prayer leaflet and find specific points for prayer and thanksgiving.


PrayerMate app

Yours in Christ,
Colin Hart
Colin Hart
The Christian Institute