Supporters smash #GivingTuesday goal; Call Congress on Thursday; Spread the word about CCL's conference this weekend

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, Dec. 2, 2020
Table of Contents:
Conference closing plenary
Take action this week 
Featured lever: Chapter development
Upcoming trainings 
This week on the CCL blog
Don't miss the closing
plenary for CCL's virtual
conference this Saturday


Be sure to catch the closing plenary this Saturday for United We Move, CCL’s virtual conference, which will feature Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), lead sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, and Dr. Natasha DeJarnett from the National Environmental Health Association, who is also a member of the governing board of Citizens’ Climate Education. 

Congressman Deutch, a key ally with CCL since the founding of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus in 2016, will talk about the introduction of his legislation in the next Congress.

More than 3,500 participants are registered for this weekend’s conference, at which we’ll strategize at the national and state level for moving effective carbon-pricing legislation through the new Congress. Schedule details are available on the conference webpage, and Zoom connection information will become public on the Program section the morning of the conference. 

Lobby meetings with House and Senate offices are happening next week and are being scheduled by congressional liaisons in each chapter. If you wish to participate in those meetings, contact your chapter’s group leader.

Haven’t registered for the conference yet? There’s still time.



Other news this week:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Our amazing supporters have done it again, smashing through our Giving Tuesday goal of $200,000, which unlocked a $100,000 challenge gift from one of our donors. We’re off to a great start with our year-end campaign—let’s keep the momentum going to reach our $1 million target by Dec. 31. You can help out by sharing our posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Citizens’ Climate International strategy workshop: With an eye toward next year’s G7, G20 and COP 26 summits, Citizens’ Climate International will hold a workshop on Dec. 16 to discuss strategy and policy from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. UTC (8 a.m. to 10 a.m. ET). Everyone from around the world is welcome. Register here.

CCL Latin America’s Climate Interactive workshop: After attending the Climate Interactive workshop on climate solutions, CCL volunteers from Latin American countries (and one gato activista) had an epiphany of sorts: The carbon price in their nations is far too low to meet climate goals, and they’ll use the solutions simulator to convince stakeholders to move to a fee-and-dividend approach with a higher price.

Buddhist Action Team: For many people, protecting the environment is part of their faith. No surprise then that a number of CCL action teams are focused on various faith communities, like the Buddhist Action Team. At their latest monthly meeting, the group was joined by David Loy, author of Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis, a book they had discussed for the past six months. Check out what the author had to say in this video recording.

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Participate in Call Congress Day tomorrow! Take a few minutes Thursday (Dec. 3) to phone your senators and representative to let them know you support carbon pricing to fight climate change. Your calls will help CCL volunteers meeting with congressional offices next week by showing support for climate action in your state and district. Our online calling tool makes it easy to do and helps us to track the calls that are made.

If you have more time: Help spread the word about CCL’s December Conference this weekend by posting a link on social media and inviting a friend to join you on Saturday. The conference provides a great opportunity to introduce people to CCL and expand the ranks of citizens generating the political will to solve climate change. 

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
Chapter development: Welcoming newcomers

Many of our normal “chapter development” activities have been interrupted by COVID. But CCL Salt Lake City has a new volunteer welcoming team who made it work! Throughout the fall, they periodically arranged for small lunches with two to three CCL leaders and four to five new members. Volunteer Nancy McHugh explained that the lunches were "socially distanced, of course. Recently, these were under the trees in Sugarhouse Park. Bring your own lunch and your own chair.” These creative gatherings help keep the chapter’s connections strong during a challenging time.

CCL volunteers are regularly activating the “five levers” of political will in their communities. If you’d like to learn more about how to pull the chapter development lever like these volunteers did, watch or read this training on getting new volunteers engaged.

Upcoming trainings

12/3: Lobbying 401: Leading a Lobby Team - Ready to step up and lead a lobby meeting? This training reviews the role and responsibilities of a lobby team leader. Join us

12/10: Off for lobby week.

12/17: Intro to Latinx and Spanish-Speaking Outreach - Want to recruit more Spanish-speaking people for your chapter? This session reviews the resources to help with that outreach. Join us! 

Need training on the basics? Catch our next sessions of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

12/8: Communicating With Progressives - Find out what progressive organizations have said about the Energy Innovation Act and learn how to engage with them on the local and national level. Learn more

12/15: Communicating With Conservatives - The key to getting Republican support for the Energy Innovation Act is to show how the bill aligns with conservative values. Learn more

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.
This week on the CCL blog 

Football, justice and talking trash: On the latest episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio, host Peterson Toscano talks with ex-NFL player Garry Gilliam about his Bridge Eco-Village project, an initiative providing affordable housing opportunities for marginalized people. Read more.

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
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The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at 1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your local time zone).
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
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