Cotton For Senate
This is the biggest deadline I've ever faced. I urgently need
your help.
We are still $18,921 short. Please do me a personal favor - stop
what you are doing and read this.
I'm rapidly closing in on my FEC mandated End-of-Quarter
fundraising deadline, and
My first campaign ad launched.
Will you donate $25 immediately to help me reach my EOQ goal AND
keep my hard hitting ad on the air?
Did you know Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert Francis
O'Rourke has come out and admitted that, "Hell yes, we're going
to take your AR-15!"
Too many voters still don't know - so I need your help reaching
them with my ad (click the play button below to watch).
I'll be brief, John:
The liberal mob is looking for any weakness, so it's CRITICAL I
don't come up short... This is the biggest deadline I've ever
faced. I urgently need your help.
Not only will the Democrats and the liberal media be pouring over
my FEC fundraising report when it's made public...but they'll
also be desperate to keep my ad from being seen and exposing the
Democrats' support for confiscating guns from law-abiding
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi would like nothing more than to
flip my Senate seat because it DRASTICALLY increases their
chances of taking over the Senate.
So, will you make a special one-time donation to keep me fighting
in the Senate? Keep me there to continue working with President
Trump - preserving our freedoms and our 2nd Amendment!
Chip in $35 towards my ad & EOQ goal >>
Chip in $50 towards my ad & EOQ goal >>
Chip in $100 towards my ad & EOQ goal >>
Chip in $500 towards my ad & EOQ goal >>
Chip in $1000 towards my ad & EOQ goal >>
OR choose your own amount >>
Please watch my new, hard-hitting ad, and
Make an urgent EOQ donation BEFORE we close the books on the
biggest financial deadline of this campaign.
Keeping this ad on the air is not cheap - especially because
liberals are DESPERATE to fool the public and hide their true
objectives. Your support is the key, and I am deeply grateful for
your support.
In Service,
Tom Cotton
United States Senator
Senator Cotton was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army.
Images do not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or
any service branch.
PO Box 7504
Little Rock, AR 72217-7504
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