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Dear NCRC members and friends,

Economic inequality isn’t simply about how much stuff you have compared to others. It’s about structural barriers that prevent groups of people from being stable and leaves them vulnerable to financial downturns. These differences result in life and death circumstances for many. This has been made painfully clear during the pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted lower-wealth Latinx, Black and Native American communities.

Even with new leadership coming to the White House, we need to raise our voices to make sure America really does build back better after the pandemic. Too much was broken before it.

The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is leading the nation toward that goal.

But we can't do it alone. We need your support. 

Can you make a donation today to support NCRC?
Donate Now
Your donation will help fund NCRC's game-changing research, publishing, investigations, training, advocacy, and anti-racist programs to close the wealth and opportunity gap forever.

We're in the news a lot (check out our website or Google us), but you may not realize just how much we do to expand wealth-building and access to credit, capital, jobs, entrepreneurship and affordable housing in underserved communities.
  • We test, monitor and challenge discrimination in financial services and housing
  • We provide agenda-setting research, training and advocacy on fair lending, fair housing and consumer protection laws
  • We renovate and build affordable homes for low- and moderate-income families
  • We provide counseling to home buyers and owners and business-building expertise to entrepreneurs
  • We train and support housing counselors nationwide
  • We convene and facilitate dialog between financial institutions and community groups to lock in commitments for expanded lending, investments and philanthropy in neighborhoods that need it - worth $194 billion since 2016!
We hope in this season of thanks and giving that you'll donate to support NCRC and our work for a Just Economy.

Giving Tuesday is done. NCRC's work continues, and we need your help.
Donate Now
With gratitude for your support and continued interest in our work.

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