Folks, this election was one of the most historic elections our nation has ever witnessed. Record numbers of young people, newly registered voters, and folks from all walks of life turned up to the polls to make their voices heard.

Together, we flipped Michigan blue and delivered a decisive victory to Joe Biden! But Trump refuses to accept defeat.

He even sent his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to Michigan today to contest the election results in yet another attempt to make a mockery out of our democracy.

Will you add your name to this petition to demand Trump stop harming our democracy and concede to Joe Biden?


Election officials across the country — and even Trump's own Attorney General — say there's no evidence of voter fraud that would change the outcome of the election.

It's time for Trump to come to terms with reality. He lost. Joe Biden won. If you agree, will you sign our petition demanding Trump concede?

The election may be behind us, but there is still work ahead. Thank you for raising your voice and standing with us.

Thank you,

Michigan Dems


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Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, 606 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933, Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate committee.
This email was sent by Michigan Dems, Building a Stronger Michigan

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