Tomorrow, Zero Hour organizers will take to the streets alongside fellow climate justice activists and young people across the country and around the world who are getting involved in the fight for our future on this planet for the very first time. With so many new faces joins the movement everyday, there has never been a more crucial time to support youth organizers than now.

Mobilization for a livable future will take all of us, young and old, coming together to fight against the environmental injustices that continue to harm our communities, friends and families. The Global Climate Strike on Friday September 20th is your chance to fight the fossil fuel industry, stand up to government inaction, and support the youth whose futures depend on radical change.

With that said, we hope you'll take to the streets, rally at your statehouse, and participate in any way you can at your local strike on Friday, because This is Zero Hour to act on climate, and we need you in this fight with us.

Zanagee Artis

Co-Founder of Zero Hour

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