Dear John,
The election of Joe Biden has increased prospects of the U.S. and Iran returning to the negotiating table, with the President Elect having campaigned on restoring the nuclear deal that was struck in 2015. But he will be faced with daunting challenges, including lame duck efforts to sabotage prospects for negotiations like the recent assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.
Join me on Friday, December 11th at 11am EST to discuss these pressing issues as part our panel: Jumpstarting U.S.-Iran Diplomacy in the Biden Era.
The panel—featuring Kelsey Davenport of the Arms Control Association, Alireza Eshraghi of the University of North Carolina, Ellie Geranmayeh of the European Council on Foreign Relations, and Bijan Khajehpour of Eurasian Nexus Partner—will explore Trump's efforts to thwart future negotiations with Iran, the impact of “maximum pressure," and more.
Make sure to RSVP today and I hope to see you next week!
Sina Toossi
Senior Research Analyst, NIAC
PS - We couldn't host these events without the generosity off our members. Can we count on your support today to help ensure we head into 2021 stronger than ever?