Tell the Department of the Interior to halt plans for oil and gas development across 1.6 million acres of Arctic habitat.


The Trump Administration is rushing to auction off vital habitat for one of North America’s last healthy caribou populations and open it up to oil and gas drilling. We need your help to prevent the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from being torn apart by roads, pipelines, drilling rigs, and oil and gas wells.

Can caribou count on you? Tell the Department of the Interior to halt plans to sell off pristine caribou calving grounds to oil and gas development.

Every April, pregnant female Porcupine caribou and young calves—the future of just a handful of caribou populations not yet in steep decline across the north—make a 400-mile journey to the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The pristine landscape is vital for the survival of newborn calves as there are fewer predators and its emerging plants provide nourishment. Will you help protect this essential habitat?

It is this exact slice of the Refuge—the caribou calving grounds—that the Trump Administration intends to open up for sale of oil and gas drilling leases, putting at risk Porcupine caribou and other species that need pristine, unfragmented habitat.

Your voice can help stop the arrival of massive trucks weighing 20 tons or more, the construction of a maze of roads and drilling pads, and the noises and human-disturbance from devastating this pristine habitat. John, will you speak out?

The Coastal Plain of the Refuge is where new life springs each year; sustaining a herd of caribou nearly as ancient as the landscapes they have traversed for millennia. It is up to us to safeguard this nearly 1.6 million wild acres within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Thank you for standing with us for wildlife and our public lands during these crucial times.

Tracy Stone-Manning


Tracy Stone-Manning
Senior Advisor for Public Lands
National Wildlife Federation Action Fund


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