It's past time for Texas to teach students the truth about sex education.
That was our message today at the Capitol where we joined with the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) to release a report with recommendations on how to make sex education in Texas public schools medically accurate, comprehensive and inclusive.
Today's release is the biggest moment yet in a long campaign to convince the Texas State Board of Education to finally reject failed abstinence-only policies. The board has for more than two decades stubbornly stuck to an abstinence-only approach to sex ed, ignoring the fact that our state has one of highest rates of teen pregnancy in the country.
The report has the backing of experts and recommends that the board adopt standards that include crucial information on contraception use, the full range of reproductive health care (including abortion), LGBTQ inclusivity and frank discussions about consent and sexual assault.
The board has already begun the process of overhauling the standards, with a final version scheduled for adoption next summer.
You can read full and summarized versions of the report and, just as importantly, you can sign up for this campaign by clicking below. We'll need your help to make these recommendations a reality!
In the fight,
 Carisa Lopez TFN Political Director