FIRST: The Trump administration moved to slash critical environmental protections and destroy Obama’s climate legacy.

THEN: Democratic AGs fought back, taking more than 200 legal actions to protect our environment and address climate change head on.

NOW: Republicans are furious, and they’re raising millions to defeat Democratic AGs at the ballot box. We’re running out of time to hit our critical end-of-month goal, and Trump is hoping we fall short.

HERE’S WHY: The New York Times reports that Democratic AGs have formed “an aggressive coalition to defend Obama’s greatest legacy,” and they’re winning. As the Washington Post recently highlighted, “the Trump administration keep losing environmental court cases” to Democratic AGs. No elected officials have had more success stopping Trump.


There are more than a dozen AG races at stake in 2019 and 2020 and we are the only organization dedicated to electing and supporting Democratic AGs. If you want to stop Trump, you need to support Democratic AGs. But time is running out before our midnight deadline and we’re missing your gift.

Click here to give $1, or whatever you can spare, right now to elect Democratic AGs and stop Trump.

Email: [email protected]
Supporter ID: 1371688
Democratic Justice Fund Membership: PENDING

2019 Democratic Justice Fund

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