Dear Partners, 

We hope you all had a nice break and time to recharge! Please join us for our two upcoming webinars:

Wednesday, December 9th at 3pm ET: Medicaid Under Threat: New Rule Cuts Protections for Enrollees. In this webinar, we will cover the new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) federal rule that weakens Maintenance of Effort (MOE) protections for Medicaid enrollees during the Public Health Emergency. We will explore the implications of this new rule that, among other things, allows states to cut Medicaid benefits without losing their enhanced federal funding, and discuss how advocates can take action. 
Register Here
Thursday, December 17, at 3pm ET: United for Health: An Advocate’s Guide to Messaging with Shared Values. In this webinar, we will discuss how to apply new, effective messaging strategies that leverage our nation’s shared values to unite people of all backgrounds around health and health care issues. This event will provide a deeper dive into the how to apply the research we discussed in our previous webinar, Messaging Frames that Move the Needle. 
Register Here
We hope you can join us for these informative discussions!

To your health,
Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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