The Most Important Book a Parent Will Ever Read

The most important book a parent will ever read? That’s what Dr. Michelle Cretella, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians has called it. Today, we are thrilled to release to you a brand-new (and FREE) book we’ve coauthored with Focus on the Family: Back to School—for Parents.
If you’re like many parents, the classroom may have come home for you in 2020—and it may have revealed that you don’t like everything your student is learning in the classroom. And it’s no wonder. Families today face unprecedented challenges at school. The content may be overly sexualized, teach radical viewpoints as fact, or shut down faith-based perspectives – just to name a few concerns.
We receive questions every week from parents about what their rights are, how to navigate the bureaucracies responsible for passing these harmful policies, and how to handle these issues with children at home. We’ve created Back to School—for Parents to answer these questions, because we firmly believe that parents—not any government entity—are truly best at parenting.
The guide is filled with critical information for parents. Did you know that in some schools, a counselor could coach your child to “transition” genders or get an abortion without your consent or even your knowledge? Or that your school’s “secure” research database may be harboring pornographic images easily accessible to students? Or that your child might be told they can’t pray during lunch-time? Back to School—for Parents offers these and other important and eye-opening information for parents, together with practical help for parents who want to prevent or address these situations.
Back to School—for Parents comes highly endorsed from leading organizations, including the American College of Pediatricians. Executive Director Dr. Michelle Cretella said of the guide, “I can authoritatively say that Back to School—for Parents … is the most important book a parent will ever read. Download one for yourself, and for each of your family members and friends who cherish their kids!” Other endorsees include the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, Concerned Women for America, Gateways to Better Education, American Principles Project, and Save Women’s Sports.
For parents who have concerns about a particular aspect of their child’s school, the guide is conveniently organized into sections based on areas and activities within the school—classrooms, counselors and health clinics, bathrooms and locker rooms, sports teams, lunch time and free time, school-owned internet, and school libraries and research databases. Importantly, it also contains a section dedicated to schooling options available to families should they decide their child’s school is not a good fit for their family.
Described by others as “wonderful,” an “invaluable resource,” “much-needed,” and a “wake-up call,” Family Policy Alliance and Focus on the Family hope Back to School—for Parents will help many families prevent, identify, and solve the difficult situations they face every day at school.
The guide is FREE for download at our website. Check it out and share it with friends and family today!
 Stephanie Curry Policy Manager