Greetings John,

On Tuesday, November 3, during WEC Energy Group Inc's Q3 2020 Earnings Call, Gale Klappa, Executive Chairman stated that WEC would be increasing its investment in renewable (solar, wind, and battery) electricity generation/storage, restructuring its gas generation, and significantly reducing its coal fleet by 2025 as it retires the four oldest (50 - 60 years) coal fired turbines at its Oak Creek facilities.

Mr Klappa went on to state "With the plan, ..., we're able to announce today a new near-term CO2 reduction target. We're aiming to lower emissions by 55% below 2005 levels in just the next five years, by the end of 2025."

If you enjoyed reading the earnings call transcript, or not, you'll want to join us next Tuesday when two representatives from WEC will address our December meeting and take questions.

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, December 8, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Our guest speakers from
WEC (We Energies) will be

Richard Stasik
(Director State Regulatory Affairs)


Tanya Holler Muench
(Director Corporate Communications)


We've asked them to talk about:

  • WEC's transition to 100% renewable energy
  • The impacts of the closure of Oak Creek
  • The impact on consumers
  • Future closure of all WEC fossil fuel plants


Time: Tuesday, December  8, 7 - 8:30pm
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