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Follow Child Mind Institute On Social Media
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on Social Media!
This week on social media, the Child Mind Institute covered parenting through depression, ways to help kids build self-worth and more. Follow us for more essential information and guidance about children's mental health and learning disorders.

Here are some highlights from the past week:


Parental depression can set off a long-lasting cycle of negative outcomes for the entire family. Dr. Kenya Hameed discussed the challenges of parenting through depression.


We provided advice from our experts on how to help children build decision-making skills from an early age.


We shared techniques for helping kids regulate their emotions and avoid explosive behavior.

Mia Finds Her Voice

Mia came to us when she was struggling to say a single word at school. Through our financial aid program, Mia received treatment for selective mutism and learned to use her voice to speak up in class and make friends.
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