From DISINFO ALERT (via Voto Latino) <[email protected]>
Subject All the lies and conspiracy theories paid off in Florida
Date December 2, 2020 3:01 PM
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In late September, we sent out an email about how the Florida Latinx community was being targeted by rampant disinformation spread through social media outlets like Facebook, WhatsApp (owned by Facebook), Twitter, and YouTube.

Unfortunately, all those lies and conspiracy theories paid off on election night when Donald Trump won Florida (even though he’d go on to lose reelection).

Now, as (some) of the dust settles, we’d like to understand more about your own experiences with political disinformation. Please take our survey.

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“The misleading narratives continue to spread on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, as well as in closed chat groups like WhatsApp and Telegram, in addition to the more traditional platforms like television, radio, and talking points coming directly from elected officials.” -- Vox, 11/19/2020

Disinformation was a huge problem in this election, and we expect it’ll continue to rear its ugly head in 2022 and 2024.

But to defeat it, we first need to understand it. Can you take a few minutes to fill out our survey?

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Thank you!

-- Voto Latino
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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