This month, as the government asks whether faith schools are "good for society", we highlight the fact that two new faith schools will be forced through despite
local opposition. Meanwhile, in our latest testimonial, Natassa shares her experience as a parent of a child at a Catholic school.
Our national petition against faith schools closes tomorrow (Thursday 3 December) at 17.00. If you haven't signed it yet, please take this last chance. If you have
signed, then please share it on Facebook or
We're incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported the campaign so far. We have a long way to go, but are building a movement for inclusive education with
an end to divisive faith schools.
Best wishes,
Alastair Lichten
NMFS campaign coordinator
P.S. If you want to get more involved in the campaign check out the ideas in 20 ways you can support an end to faith schools today