Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020

According to This Government, All Americans Are Terrorists, and Will be Treated as Such

Gary D. Barnett

Mathematician Shows That in Arizona the Dominion Machines Counted Biden Votes as 1.3 Votes and Trump Votes as 0.7 Votes

Paul Craig Roberts

The SARS-Cov-2 Virus Was Never Proven To Exist

If you can’t prove a virus exists, how do you create a test to detect it? How can you claim the test reveals that people are infected with the virus? Jon Rappoport

Has Bibi Boxed Biden in on Iran?

Patrick J. Buchanan

The New Resistance Is Rising

Jeff Minick

Dear Mr. President: Please Lead the ‘New America’ Opt-Out


Covid Vaccine Hesitancy Widespread, Even Among Medical Professionals

Arjun Walia

Solar Astronomers Can Now Predict Future Sunspots

Robert W. Felix

The Lion and the Lamb

Bionic Mosquito

Israel’s Gift to Joe Biden, Days Before He Even Takes Office: War With Iran

Scott Ritter

2021 Is Already Optimized for Failure

Charles Hugh Smith

The Plan Is Unfolding for How Vaccines Will Be Monitored

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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