September 19, 2019        

Why the Government Can't Measure Income, Happiness, or Well-Being
by Ryan McMaken

When a parent leaves the work force to focus on parenting, this shows up in government stats as lower employment and less consumer spending — suggesting a less productive economy. But that's not what's going on at all.

3 Charts Showing Just How Boxed-in the Fed Is

Far from being in the midst of a robust "recovery," the patient — i.e., the US economy — is still incredibly weak, needing constant infusions of medicine to stave off a crisis in its circulation.

Libertarian Christians should be aware that they are not compromising their beliefs or somehow acting in a way divorced from Christian history and orthodoxy when they do not join illiberal Christians in their quest for power and control over non-believers.

Central banks’ economic models predict deeper negative rates are necessary in the event that a significant recession materializes. This would be a disaster.


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