From Jim Robb - <[email protected]>
Subject Dem Candidates Split With Their Voters on Immigration
Date September 19, 2019 8:17 PM
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Democratic and Republican voters AGREE that immigration must come down to help America . . .
. . . So why are so many of the 2020 Presidential candidates sounding so open borders?

NumbersUSA's newly published Immigration Gradecards for the presidential candidates show the problem

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Dear John,

The good news is that a majority of Democrats want immigration to come down. Last year, 53% of Democrats told the Harvard/Harris poll that legal immigration should be REDUCED by half or more. In the most recent brand new Harvard/Harris poll, 69% of Democrats say illegal immigration is a very serious issue.

Unfortunately, many candidates running for President haven't gotten that message.

Here's what a few of them said during the September 12 Democratic debate:

"I want to see us expand legal immigration and create a pathway to citizenship for our DREAMers, but also for their grandparents, and for their cousins, for people who have overstayed student visas, and for people who came here to work in the fields."

-- Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

"That we have been part of deporting people, hundreds of thousands just in the Obama administration alone, who posed no threat to this country, breaking up their families."

-- Robert "Beto" O'Rourke

(In fact, the Obama administration issued instructions not to deport illegal aliens who weren't serious criminals or recent crossers.)

"We're gonna end the ICE raids which are terrorizing communities all across this country. We are going to impose a moratorium on deportations... When I say I want to make public colleges and universities tuition-free, that also includes the undocumented."

-- Sen. Bernie Sanders

Sanders comments come despite other comments which suggest he understands the harm of open borders:

"If you open the borders, my God, there's a lot of poverty in this world, and you're going to have people from all over the world. And I don't think that's something that we can do at this point. Can't do it. So that [open borders] is not my position."

-- Sen. Bernie Sanders

How can you call for an end to deportations and promise foreigners that if they come to America illegally they'll get free healthcare and free college tuition? And say all this while denying that you're for open borders? Weird!

This is where NumbersUSA comes in: We're not about demonizing "bad guys." We EDUCATE voters and politicians, helping them see the harm of massive levels of immigration. We help them understand how our policies drive this crisis. There are massive pressures on politicians to endlessly ramp up the supply of cheap workers.

Then, and this is critical, we give our millions of activist members the tools they need to push Congress and Congressional candidates toward our common sense reforms. Tools like our gradecards, our phoning, faxing, and emailing Congress, and our direct lobbying on Capitol Hill.

All of this takes money! You've been great to help NumbersUSA before. Would you be willing to donate again today? Any size gift will help!

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Here's another example of a candidate who doesn't understand the scope of the problem. Former Vice-Pres. Joe Biden, who leads all the other candidates in Democratic presidential polling, said:

"We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people. The idea that a country of 330 million people cannot absorb people who are in desperate need is absolutely bizarre."

-- Former Vice-President Joe Biden

Is Joe Biden really calling for us to DOUBLE our current sky high legal immigration annual number? It seems so.

How can you find out more about the immigration positions and quotations of the 2020 presidential candidates? Look at our just-published 2020 presidential nominee Immigration Gradecard.

The gradecard is a service we provide to both parties every four years. We give candidates grades based on their immigration positions. Every week we update the gradecards, as the candidates make more statements about their positions. We'll be adding Pres. Trump and any Republican challengers to the grade cards over the next several months.

You can see the Gradecard right here. [link removed]

Fortunately, some important Democratic opinion leaders are giving a different kind of message, kind of like, Woah, slow down!

"I'm a Democrat. I'm a loyal Democrat. I want to see us win in 2020, but to do that, we've got to appeal to a wide the consensus out there on immigration and other issues."

-- Jeh Johnson, Pres. Obama's former Homeland Security secretary

Former Attorney General Eric Holder was interviewed on CNN by David Axelrod, a key advisor to former Pres. Obama, and both Holder and Axlerod seemed nervous about the open borders statements made by the Democratic presidential candidates:

"You know, Democrats have to understand that we do have to have borders. They do mean something," said Eric Holder.

Question: "Well, what do you think about the proposal that many of the [Democratic] candidates embrace to decriminalize border crossings, essentially turn it into a civil offense?" Axelrod asked.

"I don't think that's right," Holder replied. "The law that's on the books has been there for about a hundred years now or so."

-- Eric Holder

It might surprise people to find out that NumbersUSA was founded to press for the sensible restrictions on immigration proposed by the bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, created during Bill Clinton's presidency, and chaired by liberal Democrat Barbara Jordan.

Unfortunately, more and more, this issue is being presented as a partisan one in Washington. The truth is too many Republican politicians often do as much to expand immigration as they believe their voters will let them get away with. That's why our Congressional Grade Cards are so important: so voters can know who really supports sane levels of migration. [link removed]

And too many Democrat politicians are focusing only on the most vocal elements of their party. Our message is getting through to many voters of both parties. According to a new poll released by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard and The Harris Poll:

61% of Democrats think LEGAL immigration is a serious issue, and only 25% want more legal immigration.

58% of Democrats oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. 12 states have recently passed laws doing so.

70% of Democrats oppose giving healthcare, welfare or disabilities benefits.

NumbersUSA Action is the one group that publishes presidential candidate immigration grade cards. And we can only do it because thousands of our members Give to NumbersUSA Action as often as they can.

Please consider making your a gift NumbersUSA Action today.

You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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