Right now, we're less than 2,500 trees away from setting a new Giving Tuesday record! But we only have until midnight to reach this year's ambitious goal of 20,000 trees, and we need your help to make 2020 our biggest Trees for Wildlife campaign yet. We need you to step up and be one of the final 20 supporters from your state to get us over the finish line and reach our goal.

You only have a few hours left to make a difference. America's wildlife are depending on you right now.

-National Wildlife Federation Membership Team

Northern cardinal flying towards tree

MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: We need your help to plant 20,000 native trees!


We'll give you the good news first: In just a few hours, we've been flooded with Giving Tuesday gifts from generous supporters like you—thank you!

But here's the bad news: With less than 10 hours until the deadline, we're still thousands of trees short of our critical goal of 20,000 Trees for Wildlife. We're starting to get worried, John.

With America's wildlife depending on us, failure is NOT an option. We still need 20 generous supporters from your state to give $30 (or more!) by midnight. Will you pitch in to help us plant a few trees before it's too late?

Because friends of wildlife like you supported our Trees for Wildlife program in previous years, we've been able to mount strong, swift responses to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and fires. Can we count on your support this year?

In the past year alone, natural and man-made destruction have taken a terrible toll on native trees and the wildlife that depend on them. After hurricanes like Irma in 2017 and Michael in 2018, we were able to put donations immediately to work. We need that kind of outpouring again to address the critical need for new native trees across our country.

Pitch in today to help us provide essential habitat for America's wildlife. Will you be one of the 20 supporters in your state that we still need?

Only hours left! Give trees now.

We have some real work ahead of us if we're going to restore massive habitat loss and combat the effects of our changing climate. With your support, we know we can reach our goal. Will you give $30 right now to plant native trees that will help wildlife and people thrive?

Thank you for your continued support for America's cherished wildlife and the wild places they roam. And please, keep giving trees for wildlife!

Patrick Fitzgerald


Patrick Fitzgerald
Senior Director of Community Wildlife
National Wildlife Federation


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