Join us in D.C. on September 20th and 23rd for real climate action


Tomorrow, on September 20th, D.C will join the Global Climate Strike and then on September 23rd, we’re going to shut down our city to show our elected officials that is enough is enough: we need bold action on the climate crisis.

Thousands in DC have already answered the call from youth leaders and echo their demands for a Green New Deal, respect of indigenous land, protection of biodiversity, and more. Will you join us?

We want to send a strong message to our elected officials and we need your help doing that. It's not too late to RSVP for tomorrow here and then sign up and fight with us for a better future on September 23rd as well. 

The Global Climate Strike is being led by youth who are calling on elected officials to resist the fossil fuel industry once and for all. At the action a few days later on September 23rd, we will be organizing affinity groups that will support participants to make sure everyone is safe and confident in the streets. 

Join millions across the world tomorrow for the Global Climate Strike. And then sign up here to get the tools you'll need to Shut Down DC on September 23rd.

We have the power to create change, and we hope you will join our movement to ensure all people in D.C. have a chance at a healthy, sustainable future. 

See you on the streets, 

Matt is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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